Our Values
We offer professional service, committed to providing accurate tax returns while maximizing tax deductions, utilizing tax incentives, and reducing your tax liability within the limits of the law.
Personal Service
Building relationships with our clients is important in how we do business. Through conversations we are able to recognize your needs and hear your goals. This provides us the ability to personalize the service we provide.
Who We Are
Anna M. Handegard
Enrolled Agent #70005
Oregon Licensed Tax Consultant #71733C
Anna is, “No ordinary bean counter”. She enjoys working with people and taking on new challenges. Anna earned her Enrolled Agent designation in June 2000 and obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Portland State University. Anna has over 20 years’ experience in tax preparation, tax representation, business consulting, accounting and payroll services. She worked for Mid-size Portland Public Accounting firms and local community firms as well as managed her own tax practice providing personal services to individuals and small businesses. Anna understands the struggles and obstacles that must be overcome in order to succeed. Her passion and enthusiasm are demonstrated through her work.
Outside of the office, Anna values her time with family and nature. Hiking up in the mountains or floating down the river, Anna finds time to “unplug”, reflect, and create treasured memories with family and friends.
Kaitlyn A. Newell
Licensed Tax Preparer #1922980P
Kaitlyn joined the AJH Tax and Consulting LLC Team in February 2022 just in time to hit the ground running for tax season. After a year full of exciting new challenges, she took her tax exam and became a Licensed Tax Preparer in January 2023. She enjoys learning from her mentor, Anna, and is passionate about working with clients. She understands that taxes are complex and is working toward a Consultant License to help educate others.
Kaitlyn graduated from George Fox University in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. During her time there, she participated in an internship at the Providence Newberg Medical Center working with Psychiatric patients in the Emergency Department. She also assisted in the Special Education classroom at Newberg High School, so she is no stranger to working with a diverse population.
Outside of work, Kaitlyn enjoys exploring with Abby, her Australian Shepherd, and cozying up with her two cats, Graphite and Aurora. She is currently working on her first fantasy novel after being inspired by the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, Sarah J. Mass, and David Eddings. It is her dream to become a published author. In addition to writing, she loves cooking and trying out new recipes.
What is an Enrolled Agent?
An Enrolled Agent (EA) is a federally-authorized tax practitioner who has technical expertise in the field of taxation and who is empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before all administrative levels of the Internal Revenue Service for audits, collections, and appeals.
How can an Enrolled Agent help me?
Enrolled Agents advise, represent, and prepare tax returns for individuals, partnerships, corporations, estates, trusts, and any entities with tax-reporting requirements. Enrolled Agents’ expertise in the continually changing field of taxation enables them to effectively represent taxpayers audited by the IRS.
What are the differences between Enrolled Agents and other tax professionals?
Only Enrolled Agents are required to demonstrate to the IRS their competence in matters of taxation before they may represent a taxpayer before the IRS. Unlike attorneys and CPAs, who may or may not choose to specialize in taxes, all Enrolled Agents specialize in taxation. Enrolled Agents are the only taxpayer representatives who receive their right to practice from the U.S. government (CPAs and attorneys are licensed by the states).
Are Enrolled Agents bound by any ethical standards?
Enrolled Agents are required to abide by the provisions of the Department of Treasury’s Circular 230, which provides the regulations governing the practice of Enrolled Agents before the IRS. NAEA members are also bound by a Code of Ethics and Rules of Professional Conduct of the Association.